El Paso MPO 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update

El Paso, Texas

ATG | DCCM recently assisted the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (EPMPO) with the development and adoption of their 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and corresponding Transportation Air Quality Conformity Report.

ATG | DCCM worked closely with MPO staff to engage regional stakeholders and the public in a discussion of travel needs in the Metropolitan El Paso study area. The MTP Update focused on developing a long-range plan to guide implementation of a multimodal transportation system that provides mobility options for all citizens and users of the system.

ATG | DCCM developed and led a visioning effort to identify not only mobility needs, but also the issues that are most important to the community. The team used this information to develop metrics to help select and prioritize a program of multimodal projects designed to optimize the future transportation system for the region.

ATG | DCCM worked closely with MPO staff to conduct an initial assessment of the existing transportation system and identify needs/deficiencies. Those deficiencies were coupled with the metrics developed during the visioning process to help develop programs and projects that move the region’s transportation goals forward. ATG | DCCM spent significant time working with the MPO and regional stakeholders to develop a reasonable and compliant fiscal constraint framework that ensured the plan could be implemented within the planning horizon.

ATG | DCCM also aided in developing the air quality conformity analysis and conformity determination. The final plan outlined the information and assumption used in the process, the methods used in the analysis, and the outcomes obtained from the 2045 MTP development process. The final report provided an attractive document including summary brochures of key points to further engage the public in ongoing dialogue about transportation challenges. The project was successfully delivered on a very tight adoption timeline mandated by regulatory compliance deadlines.

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