Mobility Master Plan

Temple, Texas

ATG | DCCM led a multidisciplinary team of regional and national consulting firms in the development and delivery of an advanced practice Mobility Master Plan (MMP) for the City of Temple. To achieve the City’s goals, ATG | DCCM designed the MMP to be a unifying document that transcends the confines of standard transportation system planning to achieve a comprehensive vision for the City’s future encompassing four primary themes:

Livability – ATG | DCCM designed the MMP to deliver a transportation system that fits into context with the community and pulls together the threads of the City’s vision in terms of a broad range of goals, not just transportation, but also quality of life, equity and sustainability goals.

Vitality – ATG | DCCM designed an MMP development process that helps the City understand the return on investment that transportation plan promises not just in terms of transportation system performance, but also in terms of economic vitality and job creation.

Community – The City of Temple wanted the development of the MMP to be community driven. To understand the community’s vision, ATG | DCCM’s public involvement process made a strong connection with key stakeholders and the public through use of a stakeholder working group and a combination of virtual and physical workshops, public meetings, and online resources to empower community participation. 

Mobility – ATG | DCCM also delivered technical analysis and recommendations to support a comprehensive set of multimodal solutions to address transportation system safety, operations, infrastructure development and asset management/state of good repair, integrated transit and active transportation concepts, transportation demand management, freight transport, job access and the policies, standards and implementation actions needed to tie it all together. The technical analysis also identified near term implementation strategies to address issues identified in the Safety Analysis.

The final plan delivered a unifying document to support the community vision, support economic resilience and sustainability, and provide a complete transportation system that moves people and goods safely and efficiently in perceived comfort regardless of their trip purpose or mode of travel.

The final plan was adopted unanimously by the city council and because of the comprehensive stakeholder outreach and analysis driven recommendations, has been instrumental in the uncontested approval of major capital investments in the capital improvement plan. The city has also used the plan analysis as the basis for successfully recommending action to initiate or modify TxDOT projects in the area. 

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